Texas Tech has the position described below available for a Coordinator of Laboratories. It is meant as a full-time position and will involve a lot of laboratory development, including that of writing and/or implementing inquiry-based labs. We are under significant change, as we have a new department chair, and we are implementing significant changes, such as tutorials, in a department that has never had any of this. It is a position where it would be possible to do some physics education research, for someone who is not stuck on being a faculty member, and for that reason, the salary will be commensurate with experience. The duties will develop and change, and may include teaching intro courses and lab sections.
Position: Research Associate -- Coordinator of Laboratories at Texas Tech University Department of Physics
Type: Full-time professional staff
Duties: The Department of Physics at Texas Tech University (TTU) seeks a laboratory coordinator to oversee all aspects of the undergraduate teaching laboratories. This will include laboratory development and the implementation of new teaching techniques, consistent with broader departmental goals for the improvement of undergraduate instruction. The person should keep current on new and innovative instructional methods and laboratory techniques. Other duties will include the acquisition and maintenance of equipment, assigning, training, scheduling and supervising teaching assistants, and organizing, acquiring and maintaining lecture demonstration equipment. The coordinator will also supervise the undergraduate laboratory technician and teach introductory lecture and laboratory sections as needed.
Minimum requirements:
Advanced degree in physics or related fields, with experience in teaching a variety of introductory laboratory courses. Ability to interact effectively with faculty and graduate teaching assistants towards the goal of continuing improvement of the undergraduate laboratory program of the Department of Physics. Must show promise to be an effective introductory course instructor.
Salary Range: Competitive and commensurate with experience. Texas Tech University is
an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.
Start date: Review process starts Mar. 15. Position open until filled. August 1, 2008 start date preferred.
Contact: Send 1) Curriculum Vitae, 2) the names of three references and 3) a statement of interest and experience to beth.thacker@ttu.edu