The Pennsylvania State University, the Altoona College invites applications for two tenure-track positions in Physics beginning Fall 2010.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Physics or a closely related discipline, a strong interest in undergraduate instruction, and a demonstrated ability to develop a thriving research program. Preference will be given to candidates who can involve undergraduate students in research projects throughout the year. Teaching responsibilities include introductory physics courses for science, engineering, and non-science majors, as well as upper division lecture/laboratory courses. In addition, the successful candidate is expected to perform professional, university, and community service.
The position requires an earned doctorate and is a tenure-track appointment at the level of assistant professor or a rank commensurate with qualifications. Applicants should present a record of evidence and potential effectiveness in teaching, research, and service. Candidates should have a strong commitment to undergraduate education, research, student recruitment and retention, and curricular development and assessment. Penn State Altoona offers a competitive salary and an attractive benefits package.
Applicants should send a letter of application establishing their qualifications; a current vita; a description of teaching philosophy and evidence of teaching effectiveness; a statement of research interests; transcripts (official transcripts required at the time of an interview); and three letters of reference. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications and accompanying materials electronically to in PDF or Word formats. Review of applications will begin the week of December 1, 2009, and continue until the position is filled. Non-electronic inquiries, applications, and additional materials should be sent to: Chair Search Committee for Physics, Penn State Altoona, Box B-30474, 3000 Ivyside Park, Altoona, PA 16601-3760. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.