Saturday, May 18, 2019

FT Instructional Faculty, Rutgers/Newark

Teaching Instructor/Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor

Newark, NJ
  • Faculty - Science - Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Faculty - Science - Physics
Salary: Open

Posting Summary
The Department of Physics invites applications for a full-time, non-tenure track position at the rank of Teaching Instructor/Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor beginning September 1, 2019. Teaching duties may include: Astronomy and Cosmology (general education), calculus-based University Physics, as well as other undergraduate courses (for a full list of course offerings, visit the department website at In addition to teaching duties, the successful candidate will serve in department committees and other service as needed. The overall workload will not exceed 12 credits per semester (a figure that combines teaching and service components). The candidate is expected to have a Ph.D. in Physics, Physics Education, or a related discipline by the time of appointment and demonstrated excellence in lecture and laboratory course instruction and development. The successful applicant will be expected to teach and develop introductory physics courses. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching through advancing and supporting initiatives that deepen pedagogical knowledge and sustain motivated learning in all students. The Department of Physics supports innovation and practices in physics education research. Rutgers non-tenure track positions have competitive salary and benefits.
Minimum Education and Experience
Ph.D. degree along with demonstrated excellence in lecture and laboratory course instruction and development.
The School of Arts and Sciences-Newark (SASN) is a place where exploration, discovery, and imagination come together to form the core of a liberal arts education. We serve all undergraduates at Rutgers University-Newark (RU-N); and offer a broad selection of more than 2,000 undergraduate and graduate courses a year in more than 40 subjects. SASN combines the best of a large research university with a small liberal arts college. RU-N is a remarkably diverse, urban, public research university that is not just in Newark but of Newark-an anchor of our home city. RU-N is located in a transportation hub with easy access to New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. New Jersey offers vibrant and varied cultural activities, excellent schools, and opportunities to live in culturally diverse urban, suburban, or small-town settings within a short distance of campus. RU-N is consistently ranked one of the most diverse universities in the country by US News & World Report and is located minutes from New York City. For more information about RU-N:
Posting Open Date: 05/16/2019

Special Instructions to Applicants
Applicants must include a cover letter, statement of teaching philosophy, current curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of two references.
Campus: Rutgers University-Newark

Home Location Campus: Rutgers University-Newark