Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Intro Physics Part-Time/Adjunct Lecturers, ISLE Approach, Rutgers - Newark

 Intro Physics Lecturer Position at Rutgers - Newark starting Fall 2023

We are looking for part time Lecturers (adjuncts) to join our introductory physics teaching team at Rutgers - Newark. All of our introductory physics courses follow the Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE) approach. 300 students enroll in our courses each semester, taught by a team of 10 instructors and 10 undergraduate Learning Assistants. Drs. Josh Rutberg, Sheehan Ahmed, and Diane Jammula are the team leaders - we design the curriculum, run weekly training meetings, and offer ongoing support. ISLE developer Dr. Eugenia Etkina is a mentor. This is a great opportunity to strengthen your understanding and implementation of ISLE, build your community of practice, and gain experience in college teaching. We support our Lecturers in meeting their professional goals; previous Lecturers have become full time college faculty, high school teachers, and sought PhDs. In the Fall 2023 semester, we are hiring lab instructors and one “Large Group Meeting” instructor. Lecturers are paid > $1933 per credit (this amount will increase with our new contract) and are compensated for time in training meetings. If you are interested, please email undergraduate coordinator Diane Jammula at with your interest and a copy of your CV/resume.