Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Two TT at Univ. of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

Position: Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
 (2 positions, start date August 2010)

Position Description: 
Candidates must have a primary interest and skill in teaching all levels of undergraduate physics and introductory astronomy. The successful candidate will involve students in substantial undergraduate research activities, with preference given to either condensed matter physics or atomic, molecular and optical physics. Ph.D. in physics or closely related area is required. Teaching experience is desirable. The successful candidate will also be expected to serve the Department and the University through student advising, participation in shared governance, and outreach. The University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point is building a diverse community and encourages applications from members of under-represented groups.

Department/University Description: 
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point enrolls over 8000 students, predominantly in undergraduate programs within colleges of letters and science, natural resources, professional studies, and fine arts/communication. The well-landscaped campus, located 100 miles north of Madison, is embraced by a 200 acre nature preserve. The Department of Physics and Astronomy provides service courses for many different academic programs across campus. In addition, about 50 physics majors are engaged in coursework and directed research with 9 full-time faculty members. Approximately half of our physics majors continue graduate study in physics, astronomy, or engineering while one-third of our majors accept industrial positions directly upon graduation. Most of the remaining students pursue careers in secondary education.

Application Procedure: 
Provide letter of application, curriculum vitae, photocopies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts (official transcripts will be required prior to the time of hire), a statement of teaching philosophy, and a statement of research plans including startup costs. Also, arrange for three current letters of reference to be sent to:
Dr. Katherine Jore, Chair
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Stevens Point, WI 54481

 Open until filled. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2009.