Position Description: Teach a variety of courses throughout the curriculum including teaching and course development for advanced undergraduate physics, introductory physics lecture and lab courses for physical science/engineering majors and life/health science majors; establish and participate in externally-funded faculty/student research programs in any area of physics, experimental preferred, in which undergraduate students can be involved. Startup funds available.
Qualifications: Ph.D. required with research interest involving undergraduate students; teaching and postdoctoral experience is preferred. Interdisciplinary experience desirable. Candidates must have legal authority to work in the USA permanently.
Application Process: Submit cover letter, curriculum vitae, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, statements of teaching philosophy and research interests, and three letters of recommendation (one addressing teaching effectiveness) to: Rose Fisk, Coordinator, College of Science, Benedictine University, 5700 College Road, Lisle, IL 60532. Email: rfisk@ben.edu. Fax: 630-829-6547. E.O.E.
[Editor's note: Not sure if what the time frame for this appointment is, but presume Fall 2010.]