A unique opportunity for a post-doctoral fellow in mathematics or science education exists at Indiana University School of Education. The position offers collaborative and independent research opportunities working as a project manager of a large NSF-funded research grant. The grant, entitled Iterative Model Building: A Program for Training Quality Teachers and Measuring Teacher Quality, researches the effectiveness of a new approach to conducting field experiences for preservice elementary school teachers. The Project Manager position is full-time including full benefits and an annual salary of $50,000. This is a one-year position with the potential of renewal for a second year contingent upon continuation of funding and satisfactory job performance.
Collaborative research opportunities include working with the PIs in this project, working with faculty in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and working with faculty in the Center for Research on Learning and Technology (crlt.indiana.edu). The PIs for this project include Enrique Galindo (mathematics education, egalindo@indiana.edu), Anderson Norton (mathematics education at Virginia Tech, norton3@vt.edu), Valarie Akerson (science education, vakerson@indiana.edu) and Meredith Park Rogers (science education, mparkrog@indiana.edu). In addition to working with the PIs, the postdoctoral fellow will have opportunities to interact with other members of the mathematics and science education faculty. These program areas are part of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, which is consistently ranked among the top ten in the nation. The Mathematics and Science Education Faculty are engaged in research, teaching and service activities, and have developed and maintained graduate programs that are highly regarded in the United States and the around the world. The Center for Research on Learning and Technology (CRLT) is an organization dedicated to helping people find appropriate application of technology to improve teaching and learning in diverse settings. The CRLT is a home for various research and development projects developing new applications of technologies that provide important breakthroughs for the use of technology for teaching and learning. The doctoral fellow will thus be immersed in a strong and supportive setting that creates excellent opportunities to further a career as a researcher and scholar.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the direction of the project’s director, Enrique Galindo, the Project Manager will manage research data, coordinate partnerships with local elementary schools, and participate on research teams. Other duties include the following: organizing all logistics with data collection for the various phases of the study, supporting the preparation of annual reports, making arrangements for the advisory board meetings, developing and maintaining data bases, organizing information and tasks from project meetings, maintaining research approval forms, working with project evaluators, presenting research findings at professional conferences and in scholarly journals, and supporting the writing of proposals to extend the current project.
Qualifications and Start Date:
Minimum qualifications: Earned PhD in mathematics education or science education by the start date, good organizational skills with the ability to multi-task, experience with statistical software and large data sets, strong technical writing skills, and an ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and at least 3 years of elementary school teaching experience. This position is open to all qualified U.S. citizens and permanent residents without regard to race, age, gender, religion, color, national origin, or physical disability. The start date is negotiable between June 1 and August 1, 2010.
Application Instructions:
Applicants should send the following materials: (1) a letter describing qualifications, teaching experience and research interests, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) two letters of reference, and (4) samples of publications or scholarly manuscripts in progress.
Send all application materials to:
Sara Sturgeon
Mathematics and Science Education Office
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Wright Education Building 3288
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
Review of applications will begin on March 31, 2010, and will continue until the position is filled. If you have questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact one or more of the PIs.
Indiana University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.