The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Texas A&M University-Commerce invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Physics Education Research (PER). The position will begin Fall 2018. A PhD in Physics, Astronomy, or a closely related field is required. The successful applicant should have a strong interest or demonstrated experience in teacher preparation. The new faculty member will be expected to: carry out a vigorous, externally-funded research program with a primary emphasis on physics education research for undergraduate and graduate projects, advise students, and participate fully in the teaching program of the department.
Over the past three years, the department of physics and astronomy has introduced a Learning Assistant program into its introductory physics classes and physical science classes for pre-service elementary school teachers. We have developed a unique, completely online MS program in physics for in-service high school physics teachers and are in the process of building up our undergraduate physics teacher education program. Two members of our faculty are PhysTEC fellows. The successful applicant will be involved in the continued development and expansion of these programs.
Please contact Robynne Lock ( if you have any questions.