Thursday, August 27, 2009

TT at College of Wooster

The College of Wooster Department of Physics invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position beginning fall 2010 to teach a variety of physics courses and labs, guide student research projects, and develop a publishable research program involving students. Ph.D. in Physics or related field required. Experimentalist preferred. Participation in the College's interdisciplinary programs, including First-Year Seminar, is expected.

Our department is an inclusive community that emphasizes cooperation over competition, resulting in high student satisfaction (AIP report June 2004) with close faculty-student interactions and mentoring. Our Physics Club has won national awards for its elementary school outreach program. Each Wooster student completes a year-long senior thesis project in our nationally recognized senior capstone program. Wooster ranks in the top 3% nationally as the Baccalaureate Origin of Ph.D.s when compared with other 4-year institutions. Over 16 years, students from 19 states and 40 institutions have collaborated with our faculty on NSF-REU funded research projects.

Send curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy, research plan, unofficial graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Susan Lehman, Chair, Department of Physics, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691 or Electronic submission (pdf) is preferred. Consideration of applications begins October 15, 2009 and continues until the position is filled.