Colorado School of Mines invites applications for an anticipated Teaching Assistant or Associate Professor position in the Department of Physics, to begin as soon as the Fall 2013 semester. The successful candidate will become part of the departmental instructional faculty team, which now consists of five full-time faculty members. The team has primary responsibility for delivering Physics I and II, using active-engagement teaching methods. These courses use the studio approach, under which a senior instructor partners with graduate student and undergraduate learning assistants to coach students working on a combination of hands-on activities, problem-solving practice, and other computer-assisted lessons. In addition, the successful candidate will receive occasional assignments to teach other parts of the undergraduate curriculum, as appropriate. Candidates must have earned a doctoral degree in physics or a related field by August 2013. The successful candidate must have a strong commitment to undergraduate education, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work effectively as a member of a teaching team. Candidates with a background in physics education research are especially encouraged to apply. This position does not involve formal tenure. However, the position occupies a budget line in the department, and will be a continuing appointment. For additional information about the department and Mine, as well as for instructions on how to apply, visit