Saturday, February 4, 2012

TT at St. Mary's University (MN)

The Physics Department at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota invites applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor position beginning August 2012. The position involves teaching lecture and laboratory courses for undergraduate physics majors, service courses for science majors outside physics, and general education courses for liberal arts students; 12 credits per semester (lecture and laboratory) is the usual load.

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in physics or a closely related discipline, and exhibit (and, preferably, document) a strong commitment to engaging and motivating both majors and non-majors within the liberal arts tradition. Preference will be given to candidates with significant experimental physics experience (especially with upper-division laboratory courses), to candidates with experience teaching introductory astronomy/earth science, and to those whose research programs can meaningfully include undergraduates. The successful candidate must be able to respect and advance the mission of Saint Mary's University as a Lasallian and Catholic institution.

Send an application letter, a statement of teaching philosophy (with particular reference to teaching within the liberal arts tradition), curriculum vitae, and contact information only for three references (at least one of whom can give an assessment of teaching ability) to: Physics Search, Attn: Laurie Robertson, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, 700 Terrace Heights #10, Winona MN 55987. Electronic submissions (in pdf, .doc, or .docx form only, please) are acceptable, to Review of completed applications will begin February 15, 2012, and will continue until the position is filled.