Monday, May 14, 2012

Instructor at Mississippi State Univ.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy seeks to fill a full-time non-tenure Instructor position.  The successful applicant will teach the equivalent of four courses per semester of undergraduate courses in physics and/or physical sciences as well as supervise teaching laboratories.  The position will start August 16, 2012 or as soon thereafter as the position can be filled.  Salary will depend on the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant.

PhD degree in physics or a related field, and experience as instructor of record for college physics and/or physical science classes.  Experience in teaching and the use of technology in teaching will be valuable in this position.

Applicants must go to and complete “Personal Data Information Form”.  Applicants must submit their application electronically to along with a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and teaching philosophy and experience.  Please have three letters of reference sent to the Department of Physics and Astronomy.  The search committee will begin screening applications on June 8, 2012, and continue until the position is filled.   Department information:  MSU is an AA/EEO Employer.