Tuesday, May 15, 2012

VAP at the College of Charleston

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the College of Charleston has a visiting assistant professor position in physics and/or astronomy available for the academic year 2012-2013. The successful applicant must have a Ph.D. in physics or astronomy.The teaching load is 12 contact hours per semester in a combination of physics and astronomy lectures and lab. The department consists of 20 roster faculty.  Enrollment in each introductory physics or astronomy lecture is 48 students per semester with lab sizes of 24 students.  Applicants must send a cover letter, vita and statement of teaching philosophy, names, and contact information of three references that can address their teaching ability or potential to Visiting Assistant Professor Search, Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Charleston, Charleston SC 29424.  Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.  The college is a four-year liberal arts state-supported institution with over 10, 000 undergraduate students and several graduate programs, located in the center of Historic Charleston.