This site has job listings, actual or rumored, about employment opportunities of interest to the Physics Education Research Community. Posts are updated as we find new listings.
Monday, November 3, 2008
TT at Oxford College of Emory
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Oxford College of Emory University seeks a tenure-track faculty member to begin August 2009. A Ph.D. in physics or the expectation of degree completion this academic year is required. The successful candidate will teach introductory calculus-based and non-calculus-based physics courses, develop a new sophomore level course for science majors, and will have the opportunity to shape curricular growth and change in the Department. The Division of Natural Science and Mathematics of Oxford College is in the planning stages of a new state-of-the-art science facility that will encourage student-faculty collaboration, provide an environment for innovative teaching, and be a model of sustainability. Opportunities exist for collaborative work with astronomy, mathematics and computer science, and for mentoring undergraduate research in a liberal arts environment. The successful candidate will show evidence of a dedication to undergraduate physics education for majors and non-majors. Oxford College is a specialized division of Emory University that provides a transformative, liberal arts intensive program for the first two years of the Emory baccalaureate degree. Located 38 miles east of the Atlanta campus in the village of Oxford, Georgia, the fully residential Oxford campus enrolls 700 freshman and sophomore students. Oxford's students are known for their curiosity, their interest in learning for learning's sake, and their engagement in campus and community life. Faculty attracted to Oxford are particularly interested in realizing the possibilities inherent in the formative first two years of the undergraduate experience and having the opportunity of concentrating on educational goals characteristic of liberal arts education. Some make the learning process the object of their scholarship while others pursue more traditional forms of scholarship. Faculty teach nine contact hours per week in classes that average 19 students with maximum class size set at 33. The College provides support for ongoing faculty professional development, access to the resources of one of the world's leading research universities, and has established promotion and tenure criteria that are consistent with its mission. Applicants must submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, transcripts, and three reference letters to Dr. Stephen Henderson, Chair, Physics Search, Oxford College of Emory University, 100 Hamill Street, Oxford, Georgia 30054. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2008. AA/EOE.