Sunday, January 30, 2011

VAP at Reed College

Reed College invites applications for a possible One-Year Visiting Assistant Professor appointment in Physics, beginning in August, 2011. The position is open to strong candidates of any research focus; our main selection criterion will be the promise of outstanding teaching. The appointment entails classroom and laboratory instruction of bright and engaged undergraduates and close supervision of senior thesis students. PhD required, postdoctoral and teaching experience desirable.

Electronic applications are required and must be sent as PDF (preferred) or Word attachments. Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and description of teaching and research interests to, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to this same email address. If letters of recommendation must be sent via hard copy, please have them submitted to Physics Search, c/o Karin Purdy, Reed College, 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd., Portland OR 97202. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but they should be received by March 1, 2011 to guarantee full consideration.