Monday, May 5, 2008

Postdoc at the University of Calgary

Postdoctoral Fellowship
Physics Education
University of Calgary
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellow position in Physics Education Research in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta, Canada ( This is a two-year position and is available immediately, although start dates no later than September 1st 2008 will be considered. The position will be focused on the development, implementation, and efficacy evaluation of labatorial exercises in 1st year service courses in Mechanics, Electromagnetism, and Thermodynamics. Labatorials are the University of Calgary implementation of some of the ideas commonly associated with Studio Physics. These
two hour weekly small group sessions utilize mini-laboratories, computational exercises, and demonstration-based tutorials to complement student learning in clicker-based, large-section, lecture sessions. The candidate selected for this position is expected to be involved in the instruction of these courses, as well as working with other faculty and graduate students on labatorial development and assessment, including publication of the results of these pedagogical implementations.

Applicants must have teaching experience and an interest in physics education. Experience in the field of Physics Education Research would be an asset. The University of Calgary is locating in the City of Calgary, Alberta, Canada (, a vibrant metropolis of a million people located in the foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

The University of Calgary is a broadly-based institution of 28000 students spread over 16 different faculties. The Department of Physics and Astronomy ( is a mid-sized Canadian physics department with nearly 30 faculty members, about 80 graduate students and roughly 130 undergraduate physics and astrophysics majors. Each year, the Department teaches over 3000 students in our physics and astronomy service courses. The Faculty of Science at the University of Calgary is home to the newly-formed RAISE (Research And Instruction in Science Education), a multi-disciplinary group of scholars committed to quality university education in the sciences.

Complete applications, including cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching dossier, and the names and contact information (including e-mail address) for three references, should be sent to:

Dr. Robert I. Thompson, P.Phys.
Undergraduate Program Director and Assistant Head
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4
tel. (403) 220-5407
fax: (403) 210-8974

Review of applications will begin May 15, 2008, and continue until the position has been filled.