Monday, September 20, 2010

Senior Faculty Position at North Carolina State University

The Department of Physics at NC State University announces a unique and competitively funded initiative designed to attract a prominent senior scientist to join our faculty. Exceptional startup and continuing research support funds will be available. The Department has vibrant programs in astrophysics; biological physics; computational physics; nanoscale science; optics; polymer, surface and materials physics; nuclear physics; and physics education research. The College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences has provided significant support designed to expand these or related efforts through the addition of a renowned faculty member who seeks to continue his or her research program in the dynamic setting offered by the department, the college, the university and the Research Triangle.

The successful candidate must have a major-impact, internationally acclaimed record of research achievements at the highest level of excellence and recognition. Minimum qualifications include an earned Ph.D. degree in physics or a physics-related area. To receive full consideration, applications for the Fall 2011 academic year should be received by March 31, 2011. Review of applications will begin immediately. To apply, please visit and designate position number 101790.