Middle Tennessee State University seeks applications for an assistant professor of physics and astronomy with expertise in physics education research. Starting date August 1, 2011. The department offers a B.S. in physics with concentrations in physics teaching and astronomy. We are a comprehensive PhysTEC institution, and a UTeach replication site.
The successful candidate must hold a Ph.D. in physics or related area and qualify for rank of assistant professor. Candidate must have a strong background in physics education research (PER) and excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Preference will be given to candidates with a record of excellence in teaching and research, and a successful grantsmanship record.
Excellence in teaching, research/creative activity and service is expected of all applicants.MTSU seeks candidates committed to using integrative technologies in teaching. The successful candidate must hold a Ph.D. in physics or related area and qualify for rank of assistant professor by appointment date. Candidates must have expertise in physics education research; potential for excellence in teaching and research; excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Online application required. More information can be found at http://careers.aapt.org/jobs/3592446/tenure-track-faculty-position-per