Monday, September 27, 2010

TT at Middle Tennessee State University

Middle Tennessee State University seeks applications for an assistant professor of physics and astronomy with expertise in physics education research. Starting date August 1, 2011. The department offers a B.S. in physics with concentrations in physics teaching and astronomy. We are a comprehensive PhysTEC institution, and a UTeach replication site.

The successful candidate must hold a Ph.D. in physics or related area and qualify for rank of assistant professor. Candidate must have a strong background in physics education research (PER) and excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Preference will be given to candidates with a record of excellence in teaching and research, and a successful grantsmanship record.

Excellence in teaching, research/creative activity and service is expected of all applicants.MTSU seeks candidates committed to using integrative technologies in teaching. The successful candidate must hold a Ph.D. in physics or related area and qualify for rank of assistant professor by appointment date. Candidates must have expertise in physics education research; potential for excellence in teaching and research; excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Online application required. More information can be found at