Wednesday, November 28, 2012

TT at Rochester Institute of Technology

Faculty Position in Physics Education Research
School of Physics and Astronomy
Rochester Institute of Technology

The School of Physics and Astronomy at the Rochester Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the area of physics education research, to begin August 2013. The position is expected to be at the rank of assistant professor; candidates with experience and qualifications consistent with appointment at a higher rank are also invited to apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in physics or a closely related field, postdoctoral (research or teaching) experience, the ability to teach courses at all levels of the undergraduate physics program, and a record of ongoing research and publication within physics education research. The position sets teaching and scholarship as coequal priorities; the successful applicant will be expected to produce peer-reviewed publications at a rate consistent with teaching load. Applicants must be legally eligible to work in the United States beginning August 19, 2013.

The School of Physics and Astronomy supports the Science & Mathematics Education Research Collaborative (SMERC), a group of five faculty from three departments that maintain complementary research programs in physics, biology, and chemistry education. The SMERC has Institute funding to support an active seminar series and journal club and NSF funding for a College-wide Learning Assistant program. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to collaborate with SMERC members on multidisciplinary education research projects, as well as to develop new initiatives that support the group’s research and programmatic goals.

Rochester Institute of Technology is a privately endowed, coeducational university with an enrollment of approximately 18,000 students. The School of Physics and Astronomy consists of 36 faculty, 4 postdocs and 135 majors. The School offers a BS degree in physics and provides introductory physics courses in a workshop format for approximately 1800 science and engineering majors each quarter. In addition to the MS and PhD programs in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology, the School also supports graduate programs in Materials Science & Engineering, Microsystems Engineering, Sustainability, and Imaging Science.

Applications must be submitted online at (enter 241BR in the Requisition Number field). Submit all application materials as one PDF file that includes a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a description of research goals, teaching statement, and a list of three current professional references. Within the cover letter, candidates should include a statement about their ‘contributions to diversity’. Candidates should also arrange to have the three references send letters of support directly to Chair, Faculty Search Committee, School of Physics and Astronomy, Rochester Institute of Technology, 85 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623-5603. The reference letters, as well as any inquiries regarding the position, may also be sent electronically to To receive full consideration, all application materials should be received by December 28, 2012.

RIT is an equal opportunity employer that promotes and values diversity, pluralism, and inclusion. For more information or inquiries, please visit RIT/TitleIX