Monday, January 14, 2013

Education Program Manager at APS

Note: This is a re-posting of a position originally posted in Septmeber 2012.

The American Physical Society (APS), the premier membership association for physicists, seeks a dynamic and personable science education professional to fill the position of Education Programs Manager based at APS Headquarters in College Park, MD (near DC Metro Green Line).  Reporting to the Society’s Associate Director of Education and Diversity, this position will help lead efforts to improve education and diversity throughout the physics community, including the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) project.

Responsibilities include:

Develop, implement, and evaluate national programs that increase diversity and improve physics education
Organize and conduct the PhysTEC annual conference, and other meetings on teacher education
Develop and implement programs for PhysTEC Member Institutions
Serve as a member of the PhysTEC project management team
Develop and facilitate education conferences on topics of critical interest to the physics community, such as building thriving undergraduate programs, distance learning, and graduate education
Author reports on emerging topics of interest
Where appropriate, seek external funding to expand education and diversity activities for APS members and the broader physics community
Serve as staff liaison to APS committees and other leadership groups
Travel to national and regional meetings to represent department activities.

Qualifications: PhD in physics, physics education or equivalent experience required.  Experience with high school physics teaching or teacher education is desirable. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are necessary.  Must be able to work independently, take initiative, and work effectively as part of a team.

To apply, send cover letter with salary requirement, resume, and a list of professional references to the attention of the Director of Human Resources via e-mail: