Bates College * Bowdoin
College * Colby College
Faculty Positions Open at
Liberal Arts Colleges in Maine
Bates, Bowdoin, and Colby College are conducting searches for
faculty appointments beginning fall 2014. Because our institutions
recognize that employment decisions o[notdef] en involve two
careers, we highlight the following opportunities for dual-career
academic couples. All three schools are located within one hour of
each other, and within a two to three hour commute from Boston.
Review of applications will begin on dates displayed in
parentheses. For more information, call the appropriate institution
or consult the corresponding website. Please note:
All positions are tenure track unless otherwise
Waterville, ME 04901, 207-859-4000;
For complete job advertisement listings, see:
For all Colby College positions, please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and other material as indicated on the website to the appropriate search committee chair.
Please note: All positions are assistant professor level unless noted otherwise.
Physics & Astronomy: Open Experimental (TBA);