Saturday, July 5, 2014

NTT at RIT Rochester NY

The Lecturer position is a 9.5 month, non-tenure track appointment that begins August 13, 2014 and may have the possibility of renewal. The primary responsibility of the position is teaching introductory physics in an activity-based, workshop format. Opportunities for summer teaching may be available.
The minimum qualifications are a PhD in physics or a closely related discipline, recent experience teaching introductory physics, potential to succeed in a workshop-style classroom, and strong communication skills. Candidates must be capable of teaching all levels of experimental physics courses typically found in strong undergraduate BS-Physics programs including advanced junior-level labs and electronics. Candidates must also be legally eligible to work in the United States beginning August 13, 2014 and continuing through the duration of the appointment.

Familiarity with current trends in undergraduate physics education and research interests compatible with the School’s current research activities are desirable.
All application materials must be submitted online at, Search Openings, Keyword Search 1007BR.
Please submit: your curriculum vita, cover letter addressing the listed qualifications (in particular-the ability to teach advanced undergraduate physics lab) and the following attachments:
  • A statement of your teaching philosophy, any evidence of teaching effectiveness, including your potential to be effective in an interactive learning classroom)
  • A statement about your ability to contribute in meaningful ways to RIT’s continuing commitment to cultural diversity, pluralism, and individual differences (please refer to the Contribution to Diversity Statement: A guide for RIT candidates).
You must arrange to have the three professional references send letters of support directly to; the references need to include “1007BR” in the subject line of their letter. To receive full consideration, all application materials should be received by May 1, 2014. The School of Physics and Astronomy web page is located at