Saturday, February 22, 2025

Research Associate MIT: Physics Education Research - Prof. Pritchard group, Prof. Dave Pritchard

The REsearch on Learning Assessing and Tutoring Effectively group is studying and improving assessment and learning in novel ways. Using psychometrics and machine learning we’ve learned to analyze concept tests to discover student misconceptions and are currently working to find the degree to which each student and class harbors each misconception.  Our goal is to provide students and teachers formative assessments with resolution of the ~ 15 misconceptions that we have (so far) discovered.  (We find misconceptions as weighted clusters of particular wrong answers possessing obvious intellectual coherence that are selected by an associated group of students.)

RELATE is involved in rewriting the OpenStax University Physics textbook, including short questions and longer problems to accompany this.

Additionally, the PI is starting an informal month-long “Puzzles and Paradoxes of Physics” and needs a co-teacher and co-keeper of the associated discussion fora.

This job will include helping set the research agenda for our new analysis tools, carrying out the research, and writing papers.   RELATE has expertise in educational data mining, psychometrics including multi-dimensional item response theory, and experience in designing online experiments. (see  Our postdocs collaborate in the physics department teaching and online education development group.


Requisite Knowledge and Skills:


Programming ability with Python and Statistics/data analysis skills, r

Knowledge of Physics (esp. mechanics and E&M) and education research literature

Being an insightful physicist

Writing novel and clear questions and research articles


A Ph.D or Ed.D in physics data analysis, PER, AI, machine learning, statistics and data mining, or cognitive science etc. is desired, but applicants with excellent qualifications for our top projects will be considered.  Applicant must be comfortable working both alone and with others.  All former RELATE alumni have obtained positions in academia or education companies. Inquiries and applications (cover letter, CV, first author paper, and list of at least three references) should be sent to (please include “postdoc application” in subject line). Salary $71k.  Review of applications will begin immediately; starting date June to Fall 2025. 


MIT is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. For more information check


Prof. David E. Pritchard

Room 26-241 Dept. of Physics, MIT

77 Massachusetts Ave. , Cambridge, MA 02139.