Editor's note: this is a permanent position.
The Department of Physics at Florida International University invites applications for position of Instructor to begin Fall of 2012. A PhD in Physics or related area is required. Candidates should have experience teaching introductory physics courses and have excellent teaching, organizational, and supervisory skills. The successful candidate will teach large lecture sections, along with planning, coordinating, and providing oversight of laboratory sections taught by graduate teaching assistants. Applications should be sent to Dr. Bernard Gerstman, Chair, Department of Physics, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 or by e-mail to gerstman@fiu.edu. Please include a vita, contact information for three potential references, and a letter describing teaching philosophy. Review of applications will begin on January 2, 2012 and continue until the position is filled. For more information about the Department, visit our website: http://physics.fiu.edu/.