The Marang Centre has obtained funding for research into four broad areas, all of which work across mathematics and science education. These are:
A: Teacher Education and Professional Development in mathematics and science – including Knowledge for teaching/ Pedagogical content knowledge, Professional learning, Internship, Primary teaching
B: Resourcing Teaching and Learning – including ICT, Curriculum texts and tasks, science kits
C: Language – including Multilingualism in classrooms, Language and communication in science and mathematics
D: Contextualised Learning in Science and Mathematics - including Indigenous knowledge systems, mathematical literacy, informal learning, the nature of science, “practical work” and science engagement with the public
To further this research Marang has received a grant from the National Research Foundation of South Africa. We wish to make a post doctoral appointment (mathematics or science). The post is tenable for 1-2 years.
Qualifications and Conditions:
Postdoctoral applicants must have:
• completed a doctoral degree in either mathematics or science education within the last five years.
• interest and/or expertise in one of the above areas.
An untaxed allowance and medical insurance will be provided.
Interested candidates should apply to Professor Marissa Rollnick at the Marang Centre for Mathematics and Science Education: or Wits School of Education, Wits University, P.O. Wits 2050. Please include in your application a detailed CV, certified copies of your qualifications and the names of three contactable referees, as well as a motivation for the research you are interested in pursuing.