Department: Physics
Line#: TBD
Budget Title: Assistant Professor
Salary: Competitive
Local Title: Assistant Professor of Physics
Start Date: August 2015
Posting Dates: 9/22/2014 -Open until filled. Best consideration date 10/20/2014
Description of Duties: Teach courses at all levels in our undergraduate physics curriculum, as well as physics for non-majors, and possibly introductory astronomy. Pursue scholarship and research activities leading to peer-reviewed publications, collaborate with current faculty members and students in scholarly and departmental activities, and seek outside funding. Advise students and serve on departmental and college committees.
Required Qualifications: 1) Ph.D. in Physics or closely related field; an ABD candidate must earn his/her doctoral degree within six months of appointment 2) Demonstrated classroom and laboratory teaching experience at the undergraduate level 3) Evidence of productive research activity, including publishing peer-reviewed papers, potential for seeking external funding, and collaboration with current faculty and students 4) Potential for working productively and collaboratively with a diverse population of students and faculty.
Preferred Qualification: 1) Preference will be given to experimental physicists 2) Experience in interdisciplinary research 3) Research interests should complement ongoing departmental activities in surface science and low-temperature physics 4) Postdoctoral research experience is desired.
Additional Notes to Applicants: Apply online at Please attach a cover letter addressing all qualifications, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, research plans (as Other Doc 1), unofficial transcripts (as Other Doc 2) and contact information for three professional references (as Other Doc 3). Please mail three letters of recommendation to The College at Brockport, Department of Physics, Dr. Stanley Radford, 350 New Campus Drive, Brockport, NY 14420. Official transcripts required upon hire. All positions are subject to final budgetary approval. Employment at The College at Brockport is subject to the favorable result of a background investigation and where applicable, confirmation of appropriate credentialing.