Instructor, Physics
Posted: November 2, 2015
The Division of Natural and Health Sciences at Seton Hill University invites applications for a non- tenure-track physics instructor starting August, 2016. Applicants must have a strong interest in liberal arts education at the undergraduate level and the ability to incorporate emerging technologies into the classroom/lab. Masters degree in physics or related field required; teaching experience preferred. Teaching responsibilities include multiple sections of calculus-based general physics, college physics and associated laboratories.
Applications accepted until position is filled. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, 3 letters of recommendation, statement of teaching philosophy, and transcripts to, fax (724)-830-1571; or to Bernadette Fondy, Ph.D. Acting Chair, Division of Natural & Health Sciences, Seton Hill University, 1 Seton Hill Drive 386F, Greensburg, PA 15601.