The Department of Physics at Kansas State University seeks a faculty member to join its physics education research (PER) group. Experience with research on the teaching and learning of physics that complement and/or expands the existing PER efforts at KSU will be considered favorably.
The successful candidate will be appointed at a rank of tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in the Physics Department. Candidates must present credentials which will justify appointment at one of these levels. Minimum requirements include a Ph.D. in physics education research or equivalent and research experience beyond the doctorate.
The successful candidate will be appointed at a rank of tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in the Physics Department. Candidates must present credentials which will justify appointment at one of these levels. Minimum requirements include a Ph.D. in physics education research or equivalent and research experience beyond the doctorate.
The Department has an outstanding physics education research program (KSUPER), which was founded in 1972. At present KSUPER includes two faculty members. A detailed description of research activities, post-docs and graduate students in KSUPER can be found at
ksuper. For further information contact Eleanor Sayre ( ) or Dean Zollman ( ).
The successful candidate will also demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching and mentoring of students and to serving a diverse population. He/she will be expected to obtain external funding for research activities, collaborate with other faculty in physics and other academic departments and build a national and international reputation in PER.
Applications should be sent to PER Search Committee, 116 Cardwell Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-2601 or to Background checks required.
. Applications should include a cover letter that addresses qualifications for the position, a curriculum vita, and statements of research and teaching interests. The applicant should arrange to have three letters of reference sent to the address above. Screening of applicants will begin on December 1, 2015, and continue until the position is filled. Kansas State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer of individuals with disabilities and protected veterans and actively seeks diversity among its employees.