Wednesday, November 11, 2020

One-Semester VAP, Wesleyan University CT

 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Wesleyan University


Wesleyan University’s Department of Physics invites applications for a one-semester full-time Visiting Assistant Professor beginning February 1, 2021 for the four month spring term. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in physics. A background in physics education research or experience with innovative teaching methods will be particularly welcome. The successful candidate will teach two sections of non-calculus introductory physics and supervise graduate teaching assistants in four associated laboratory sections. Substantial pedagogic and mentoring resources will be available. Wesleyan is a highly selective liberal arts college that values both scholarship and teaching very highly, has a strong, diverse undergraduate student body, and offers competitive salaries and benefits.


Candidates must have a Ph.D. in physics.


You will be asked to upload electronic versions of the items we require, which are a (1) cover letter, (2) curriculum vitae containing a summary of teaching experience, and (3) a brief statement of teaching interests. In the cover letter, applicants should describe how they will embrace the college’s commitment to fostering an inclusive community, as well as their experience working with individuals from historically marginalized or under-served groups. You will also be asked to provide the email addresses of three referees from whom we may obtain confidential letters of recommendation.


Applications completed by November 25, 2020 will receive full consideration.


Please contact Dana Gordon-Gannuscio at email if you have questions about the application process. Visa sponsorship is not normally available.


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