The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time continuing faculty position in the College of Arts and Sciences. Initial appointment to this position will be for a term of four years, beginning with the fall semester of 2012, and will carry the rank of Assistant Professor.
We seek a specialist in computational physics, broadly conceived. The incumbent will teach a wide range of undergraduate physics courses (at the standard teaching load on campus) for both science and non-science majors and will develop an on-campus research program involving undergraduates. We expect that this person will contribute to an active cross-departmental modeling initiative. The College possesses a 140-processor, 64-bit Beowulf cluster that is available on an internally competed basis, and we have access to the Ohio Supercomputer Center.
Among the qualifications required for appointment is the Ph.D. degree in physics or a closely allied field such as geophysics, atmospheric physics, materials science, biophysics, or engineering physics. Candidates must demonstrate interest and potential excellence in undergraduate teaching. Post-doctoral research experience is desirable. He or she will also be expected to participate in the full range of faculty responsibilities, including academic advising, service on committees, and sustained scholarly research.
The Physics and Astronomy Department, with an authorized faculty size of 7.5 FTE, graduates about 12 majors annually, including concentrators in astrophysics and materials physics. Current faculty research interests include atomic physics, astrophysics, semiconductor device physics, energy efficiency of buildings, magnetic materials, theoretical quantal chaos, and hydrogen storage in lattices. Department facilities include a machine shop, electronics shop, thin-film vacuum deposition systems, an X-ray powder diffractometer, an optical frequency comb, high-resolution infrared spectrometers, a vibrating sample magnetometer, a closed-cycle helium refrigerator, and an RF-shielded room. Refer to for more information about the department.
To be assured of consideration, a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a brief description of the candidate’s teaching experience and interests, a research plan appropriate to a liberal arts setting, undergraduate and graduate academic transcripts, and at least three recent letters of reference*, should be mailed to Dan Stinebring, Chair of Search Committee, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 44074 to arrive by January 2, 2012. Application materials received after that date may be considered until the position is filled. Salary will depend on qualifications and experience. *By providing these letters you agree that we may contact your references.
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