Monday, November 21, 2011

TT at Hobart & William Smith Colleges

The Department of Physics at Hobart & William Smith Colleges invites applications for a new tenure track position in Astronomy at the Assistant Professor level, anticipated to begin Fall 2012. We seek an individual who has a genuine interest in teaching and liberal arts education, and who will conduct an active research program that will involve our undergraduate students. Candidates in any subfields of astronomy and astrophysics will be considered. Candidates should have a doctorate in astronomy, physics, or a closely allied field. Candidates will be expected to teach courses in astronomy, the broader physics department curriculum, and the Colleges’ general curriculum. Candidates with postdoctoral research experience and college-level teaching experience are preferred. (Please note that this job is distinct from the experimental physics position advertised earlier this year.)

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Applications should include a CV; a statement describing the research interests of the candidate, including projects that could engage undergraduate students; and a statement describing the candidate's approach to teaching. Candidates should also arrange to have three or more letters of reference sent on their behalf that will help us assess the candidate's teaching ability and research potential. Review of applications will begin in early January 2012, and will continue until we have filled the position. Applications should be sent to: Astronomy Search Committee Chair, Department of Physics, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 300 Pulteney Street, Geneva, NY 14456. EOE. If necessary, application materials (PDF or text format only) may be sent to