Wednesday, May 7, 2014

FT/NTT at St. Thomas TX

The Department of Chemistry and Physics at the University of St. Thomas (UST) has an opening for a full-time non-tenure track faculty position in physics beginning in mid-August 2014. A minimum of a Master's degree in physics is required, but a Ph.D. in physics will also be considered. A minimum of two years of laboratory work experience is also required.

The successful candidate will spend 75% of their time teaching physics courses (primarily lower division with emphasis on labs) and 25% of their time managing all lower division physics teaching labs. Lab management responsibilities call for a candidate who can thrive in an undergraduate physics teaching lab environment. This includes the strong organizational skills needed to manage the inventory, preparation, purchasing, design, compliance, as well as troubleshooting and minor repair of the physics teaching lab equipment and supplies.

Please send a letter of interest; vitae; and the names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers of three references to:
Subject: Physics
University of St. Thomas
3800 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77006

Interviews will be ongoing until a suitable candidate is found. UST is a private institution committed to the liberal arts and to the religious, ethical, and intellectual tradition of Catholic higher education. Compensation is competitive. The University of St. Thomas is an Equal Opportunity Employer.