Tuesday, May 6, 2014

VAP at Adelphi Univ NY

The Physics Department of Adelphi University is inviting applications for a one-year renewable visiting assistant professorship for the 2014-2015 academic year.  Candidates should have the Ph.D. in Physics or Optics or Electrical Engineering or in a related area and a strong commitment to teaching.  The candidates will teach undergraduate courses in Mathematical Methods in Physics and elementary courses on Analog and Digital circuits. The visiting professor will also participate in developing the undergraduate instructional laboratories.

The departmental research laboratories include fully equipped state-of the-art lasers and modern optics, quantum optics, nonlinear optics, quantum dots, holography, development of ultra-sensitive sensors for trace gas detection and atom/molecular trap research.  

Applicants should attach a resume, a statement of teaching philosophy and interests, along with the names and contact information of three references on the following website:


Screening of applicants will commence immediately and continue on a rolling basis until the position is filled. More information about the Physics Department at http://academics.adelphi.edu/artsci/phys/