Friday, July 26, 2013

Postdoc at Michigan State University

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral researcher in Physics Education in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University. The successful candidate for the current position will work with the upper-division physics courses: assessing student learning, investigating how students learn to use mathematical and computational tools, and developing or adapting instructional strategies and materials.

Responsibilities include working in coordination with physics faculty to: develop an integrated plan of course evaluation and innovation; identify specific learning goals that represent faculty-consensus; develop valid assessments of student learning for undergraduate courses; participate in and supervise the development of techniques, materials and practices for improving student learning in the undergraduate courses; and publish assessment tools and findings in Physics education journals. The candidate will collaborate with faculty, post-docs, and graduate students in Michigan State's CREATE4STEM Institute ( and in the Physics Education Research Group (

The appointment is initially for one year, with the possibility of a one year extension for a total of two years, based on performance and the availability of funding. The salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience.

Candidates are expected to hold a Ph.D. in physics, physics education, or the equivalent. Applicants should submit a CV, a statement of teaching philosophy and experiences, a statement of research experience and interests to number 7831). In addition, applicants should arrange for three (3) letters of recommendation sent to Prof. Marcos (Danny) Caballero /

Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Please inquire with regarding status. The start date is negotiable but with a preference for fall 2013.

MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and person with disabilities.