Saturday, October 12, 2013

TT in Science Education, Sonoma State CA

The School of Education at Sonoma State University invites applications for a tenure track position in Curriculum Studies and Secondary Education with an emphasis on Secondary Science Education, beginning August 2014. Candidates must have an earned doctorate at the time of appointment in science education or a closely related field and a demonstrated commitment to science teaching and learning at the secondary level. Candidates with a strong background in science education in middle and high school classroom settings, expertise in educational technology and/or learning technologies, and a theoretical grounding in curriculum and teaching are encouraged to apply. Responsibilities include teaching in the secondary credential program and the graduate program in curriculum and instruction. Salary range: $59,000 - $64,000. Applications must be submitted electronically by November 29, 2013. Please review a full description of the position and qualifications at (

Sonoma State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity.  We seek a broad spectrum of candidates including members of underrepresented groups.