Penn State Behrend, invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Physics at the Assistant Professor level to begin August 2017. A Ph.D. in Physics or related field is required at the time of appointment. Postdoctoral research and/or teaching experience is desirable. Teaching duties will include both introductory level physics and upper level laboratory-based physics courses. The candidate should have the ability to develop a strong experimental research program in physics with demonstrated skills and interests in undergraduate education and mentoring undergraduate research. Startup funds and laboratory space, commensurate to a primarily undergraduate institution, are available. Penn State Behrend is a four-year, primarily undergraduate college of Penn State University with approximately 4,400 students and thirty-four baccalaureate majors. The College is committed to balance between teaching and research. The School of Science offers bachelor degrees in biology, chemistry, environmental science, mathematics, math education, nursing, physics, and general science. Erie Pennsylvania, a metropolitan area of 280,000 residents, is a major service, tourism, medical, and industrial center on Lake Erie's Presque Isle Bay and is located two hours from Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo. The region offers many cultural, sports, and recreational resources, as well as modest living costs and affordable housing. All applicants must apply online and submit five documents 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae including names and contact information for three references, 3) copies of graduate and undergraduate transcripts 4) one page teaching philosophy and 5) one to two page research statement summarizing your proposed research, including a brief explanation of its suitability for an undergraduate college. Questions regarding the position can be directed to Dr. Martin G. Kociolek, Director, School of Science at . Review of applications will begin November 1, 2016 and continue until the position is filled.
Apply online at
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