The Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics at Florida
Southern College invites applications for an Adjunct Instructor position
for Spring 2017 and for Summer 2018.
The Spring 2017 position is for a second-semester introductory physics laboratory section (a
combined calculus and algebra based lab sequence).
The Summer 2018 position is for a sequence of two courses (five weeks each) in
introductory calculus based physics with lab.
At a minimum, the
selected candidate must have master's degree from a regionally
accredited institution with a graduate major concentration in physics or
a closely related field (with a minimum of 18 graduate semester
hours in physics), or enrolled in a Ph.D. program with all coursework
and preliminary/comprehensive exams completed. This is a particularly
good opportunity for those who are looking to gain some academic
teaching experience in a liberal arts environment.
To apply,
please complete the Adjunct Instructor application for Natural Sciences on the College's employment page.
should include a cover letter addressing teaching interests, an
up-to-date CV, and unofficial copies of graduate transcripts with their