Thursday, November 3, 2016

PER/AER faculty position at UNC-Chapel Hill

The Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for the position of Lecturer to begin in Fall 2017.  The position is for an initial term of three (3) years, and is renewable upon review.  We seek a dynamic person who is prepared to redesign and teach undergraduate physics and/or astronomy courses, primarily at the introductory level in a large-enrollment setting, using pedagogy informed by physics and astronomy education research.  The successful candidate will also be expected to serve as a course coordinator to manage a team of faculty and TAs for one of the introductory courses, join other faculty members in the department engaged in similar efforts, and participate in obtaining grant support for curricular and pedagogical improvements.  Required qualifications include a PhD in Physics or closely related field, a background in PER, and experience in teaching at the college level using research-validated pedagogy.

Applicants should submit their application materials at  The materials to be submitted include a CV (including courses taught), a statement describing his/her teaching philosophy, and any available evidence of teaching effectiveness.  The candidate should also provide a statement describing how s/he would go about fully incorporating modern research-validated pedagogy into a specific physics or astronomy course of the candidate’s choice.  The candidate should further provide contact information for three persons prepared to write letters of recommendation (at least one of which must address the candidate's potential as a teacher).  Full consideration will be given to applications received on or before January 17, 2017.  Inquiries regarding this position can be directed to Dr. Alice Churukian, Search Committee Chair, at<>.  The University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and especially invites applications from members of groups traditionally underrepresented in physics and astronomy.