The Physics Department at Marquette University invites applications for a full-time, one year, non-tenure track position as a visiting assistant professor to begin in August 2011. The Department offers a B.S. in physics and is seeking candidates with a Ph.D. in physics or astronomy and a strong interest in undergraduate teaching. Academic responsibilities include teaching introductory and upper level courses. The ability to teach nuclear physics and modern physics laboratory is desirable.
Although the candidate will have no research responsibilities during this appointment, research is encouraged individually or in collaboration with current faculty. The Physics department at Marquette University is active in involving undergraduate students in research. Please visit the department’s website for information to learn more about programs and faculty expertise.
Applications must be submitted through the Marquette University online careers site, attaching a cover letter, resume/CV, and statement of teaching philosophy, at: Teaching experience, publications, and the names of three individuals who have been asked by the candidate to submit letters of recommendation should be included. All three letters should address the candidate’s teaching qualifications and should mention the candidate’s research. Review of applications will begin May 4, 2011, and continue until the position is filled. Email inquiries to dept. chair Benjamin Brown at AA/EOE.