Monday, October 6, 2014

3-Year VAP at Washington & Jefferson College PA

The Physics Department at Washington & Jefferson College invites applications for a non-tenure track three year renewable position at the Assistant Professor level to start Fall, 2015. Our principal concern is with teaching, but scholarship is expected and we desire candidates who can involve undergraduates in research. We welcome applications from candidates in any specialty; however, preference will be given to applicants who can contribute to the advanced instructional laboratories, and who have areas of interest that promote connections with other departments. A Ph.D. is required. 

Applicants should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching interests and research goals, with a description of how it will involve undergraduates, and three letters of reference to Review of applications will begin Jan. 9, 2015, and continue until the position is filled. 

Washington & Jefferson College is a residential selective liberal arts college located thirty miles from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The oldest such college located west of the Allegheny mountains, Washington & Jefferson welcomes applications from creative and adaptable individuals who are dedicated to undergraduate liberal arts education, who cherish close interaction between faculty and students, and who enjoy participating in and promoting a diverse community committed to multicultural and global understanding. Discover more about the College at

Washington & Jefferson College (W&J) is committed to increasing diversity in our community and actively pursues individuals from all backgrounds. Additionally, W&J complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws and provides equal opportunity in all educational programs and activities, admission of students and conditions of employment for all qualified individuals regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin.