School of Education, University of Pittsburgh
POSITION: Assistant Professor of Science Education. Full-time, tenure stream position based on an eight-month academic year with summer session teaching opportunities available. This position begins August 2015.
DESCRIPTION: The Department of Instruction and Learning in the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh invites applicants for a tenure-stream position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Science Education. Responsibilities of the position include pursuing a productive research program, including seeking external funding and producing scholarly publications; teaching, mentoring, and advising a diverse student body in our graduate teacher education and doctoral programs; and serving on school and university committees. Ideal candidates will have a capacity to work in partnership with a diverse community and contribute to the collaborative strengths of our school, evident in the Learning Policy Center (www.lpc.pitt.edu) and the Center for Urban Education (www.education.pitt.edu/research/cue.aspx). Salary will be competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience.
QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should have a doctoral degree in Science Education or a related field; a strong commitment to the initial preparation and continued professional development of primary, middle grades, or secondary science teachers; and the potential to establish a distinguished record of research in an area related to the teaching and learning of science. Other desired qualities include a demonstrated excellence in teaching at the primary, middle or secondary levels; interest in urban education; experience with technological tools for science instruction; and interest in the history and philosophy of science education.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Interested applicants should submit (a) a letter of application that describes their qualifications for the position, their professional research interests, and their teaching experiences/pedagogical approaches; (b) a curriculum vita; (c ) two samples of written scholarship; and (d) three letters of recommendation through the online system at http://www.education.pitt.edu/facultysearch/. The online system will prompt applicants to request three letters of recommendation. Alternatively, recommenders can be instructed to email the letters directly to edsearch@pitt.edu. If you are unable to upload your documents, please mail materials to: Science Education Search, Office of the Dean, School of Education University of Pittsburgh, 5600 WWPH, Pittsburgh, PA 15260.
For inquiries, please contact Dr. Ellice Ann Forman, Science Education Search Committee Chair, at ellice@pitt.edu. Review of candidates will begin on December 10, 2014, and will continue until a qualified candidate is identified.