Tuesday, February 28, 2012

TT at Purdue University Calumet (IN)

Assistant Professor of Science Education - Purdue University Calumet (Hammond, IN)
(Editors note: the below link should take you to a page where the job is listed among others.)

The Department of Chemistry and Physics invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Science Education position to start August 13, 2012. Responsibilities include teaching required courses within the department, depending on the candidate's background, managing annual Science Olympiad competitions, and engaging in an active research program in physical science pedagogy.


Candidates must have successfully completed the requirements (ABD considered) for a Doctoral or equivalent degree in Chemistry, Physics, Science Education or closely related field by August 13, 2012, with expertise in the physical sciences (Chemistry or Physics) and at least one year's experience in science pedagogy and science education research. Candidates must also demonstrate a strong commitment to the development and success of our science education majors and in teaching science to non-science majors, and should have effective communication and teaching skills.

Electronic applications should be sent to the chair of the search committee, Daniel Suson (daniel.suson@purduecal.edu), and should include a cover letter outlining the candidate's qualifications, a C.V., teaching philosophy statement, research statement, copies of all college transcripts, and contact information (names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails) for three references. Review of applications will begin on March 15, 2012 and continue until the position is filled.

Purdue University Calumet, the Chicago-area campus of the Purdue University system located in Hammond, IN, currently enrolls approximately 10,000 students. The Department of Chemistry and Physics offers Bachelor's degree programs in high school science teaching for chemistry, physics, and physical science.

A check of criminal conviction and/or motor vehicle records may be made for employment in this position.

Purdue University Calumet is an Equal Opportunity, Equal Access Affirmative Action Employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce.