The Florida International University Physics Department invites applications for a tenure-track position, *open rank*, beginning August 2009. Especially well-qualified applicants may be considered for a more senior position.
The successful candidate will complement and extend the research activities of the Physics Education Research Group (PERG). The PERG has successfully built a multi-level research and learning community consisting of high school teachers and students, undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty, thus transforming the model for physics education outreach. The education reform is centered around inquiry-based Modeling Instruction, both at the high school and undergraduate levels. The PERG builds on this inquiry model with several coherent projects, including CHEPREO (, PhysTEC, and the NSF Noyce Program, as part of its efforts to reform physics and physics education at FIU while developing a dissemination model for sustained education reform. The group currently consists of three faculty (from the Physics and the Curriculum & Instruction Departments) plus three staff members and graduate students. More information is available at or by contacting Professor Laird Kramer ( Jeff Saul is also familiar with the department (
The department ( has 22 faculty in theoretical and experimental groups in PER, astronomy, biophysics, condensed matter, nuclear-particle-lattice QCD physics, and quantum-optics. The successful candidate is expected to develop a vigorous research program, attract external funding, and teach courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
*Interested candidates should send their complete curriculum vitae, including a summary of research interests and the names of three references, to the **Physics Education Research Committee, Department of Physics, Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199**. Application review will begin on January 15, 2009 and continue until the position is filled.*
Florida International University is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer. Minorities, persons with disabilities, and women are especially encouraged to apply.