Monday, February 11, 2013

Postdoc at CU-Boulder

Applications are invited for a Research Associate (post-doctoral) researcher in Physics Education in the Department of Physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The successful candidate for the current position will work largely with upper-division courses, building on our current efforts in upper-division EandM I and II.

Responsibilities include working in coordination with physics faculty to: develop an integrated plan of course evaluation and innovation; identify specific learning goals that represent faculty-consensus; develop valid assessments of student learning for undergraduate courses; participate in and supervise the development of techniques, materials and practices for improving student learning in the undergraduate courses; and publish assessment tools and findings in Physics education journals.

The Fellow will collaborate with faculty, post-docs, and graduate students in Colorado's Physics Education Research Group ( The appointment is for one year, with the hope of a second year renewal (pending additional funding.) Applications materials must be submitted online to the new CU automated jobs system, at

(Note that CU's job system just changed. If you started your application before Feb 4, you will no longer be able to access the old system. If you started an application before then and want to make additions or changes, contact us: for more information.)