The University of Notre Dame is seeking a Laboratory Instructor/Coordinator to oversee and teach Physics I and II laboratories for life science students, and to coordinate all introductory physics labs. This is a full-time, 12-month non-tenure track faculty position. The starting rank will be Assistant Teaching Professor, though a higher rank may be appropriate given prior experience. This is a three-year position with the possibility for renewal. Starting salary will be $55,000 to $70,000, depending on rank and experience.
The University of Notre Dame teaches calculus-based Physics I (Mechanics) and Physics II (Electricity & Magnetism) to approximately 400 life science/pre-health students each year. Both courses are taught each fall and spring semester, as are their accompanying labs. Both courses, with their labs, are also taught during the summer session. The Laboratory Instructor will be responsible for overseeing the operation of all lab sessions for both Physics I and II throughout the year. These duties include: working with the instructors of the lecture courses to ensure coordination of the lectures and the labs; maintaining and improving the lab manuals; overseeing, training and evaluating the graduate student teaching assistants assigned to teach each lab section; and giving presentations and supervising students during the lab meetings. It is also expected that the Laboratory Instructor will design two or more new laboratories each year to be placed in the rotation of available experiments, using current research in physics pedagogy to guide their design and implementation.
The Department also offers labs in separate introductory sequences for physics majors and for engineering majors, and while the duties of this position do not include overseeing those labs, they do include some duties necessary for the overall operation of all of our introductory labs. These include: maintaining all safety records for the labs and working with the college safety officer to ensure a safe laboratory environment; selecting and overseeing undergraduates who put up and take down each weeks labs; working with Engineering and Science Computing personnel to maintain and upgrade lab computers and software; and maintaining, organizing and repairing existing laboratory equipment and ordering new equipment as needed.
The successful candidate will have an M.S. in Physics (Ph.D. preferred) and will have experience in teaching undergraduate (or equivalent) labs. Strong communication and organizational skills are expected. Experience with instructional laboratory software and equipment is preferred, but strong computer and electronics skills are necessary. Professional development and attendance at relevant conferences will be expected and supported.
Position begins May 1, but the successful candidate may negotiate an earlier or later start date, depending on existing commitments. To apply, submit a cover letter, resume or CV, and statement of teaching philosophy through Academic Jobs Online at
The Department of Physics has 44 tenured and tenure-track faculty; another 15 research faculty and professional specialists; 25 postdoctoral research associates and research visitors; more than 100 graduate students; and about 120 undergraduate physics majors. Additional information about the department and the College of Science can be found at and respectively.
The University of Notre Dame, an international Catholic research university, is an equal opportunity employer.