Friday, April 11, 2014

FT at Penn State Erie

Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, invites applications for a full-time lecturer position in physics. The position is for a sabbatical leave replacement for the 2014-2015 academic year. Teaching responsibilities will be primarily in introductory physics courses. Ability to teach senior-level physics courses desirable. Applicants must have a master's degree or higher in physics or a related field; relevant teaching experience; and a strong commitment to undergraduate education.

Penn State Behrend is a four-year and graduate college of Penn State University with approximately 4,350 students. The School of Science offers B.S. degrees in biology, chemistry, mathematics, mathematics education, nursing, physics, and general science.

Erie Pennsylvania, a metropolitan area of 280,000 residents, is a major service, tourism, medical, and industrial center on Lake Erie's Presque Isle Bay and is located two hours from Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo. The region offers many cultural, sports, and recreational resources, as well as modest living costs and affordable housing. There are five colleges in the Erie area.

The review of applications will begin May 1, 2014. To apply for this position, please visit and complete the online application process. You will need to submit a cover letter, resume/CV and one additional document that should include the following three items: a brief teaching statement, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and the names, phone numbers and email addresses of three references.

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