Friday, March 22, 2013

TT in Science (Biology, Chemistry, or Physics) at University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

March 14, 2013 SCIENCE (BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, or PHYSICS) (Tenure Track Position)    

SALARY: Depending upon qualifications and experience   RANK: Assistant Professor (rank depending on qualifications)  

STARTING DATE: August 2013  

RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsibilities include teaching introductory and upper level undergraduate courses in  the candidate’s area of expertise.  Candidate should also be able to teach introductory courses and introductory labs in physics in coordination with current physics faculty.  Active participation in the interdisciplinary general education core curriculum is also expected.  Candidates who have an ability to teach undergraduate courses outside their traditional area of expertise and crossover into other STEM fields will receive additional consideration. Candidate must have a strong interest in undergraduate teaching, academic advising, supervision of undergraduate research, and division and university service. Scholarly activity and professional development broadly defined are expected.

QUALIFICATIONS: Doctorate in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, or a related field.  Liberal arts and/or an interdisciplinary background a plus.

About USAO: The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma is a public liberal arts college located in Chickasha, Oklahoma. USAO is a member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC).  It is charged with a mission from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education “to provide an outstanding general education program for the State of Oklahoma with strong offerings in the liberal arts and sciences.  The experience will feature interdisciplinary team-teaching and will extend throughout the undergraduate experience.” To support this charge USA O is directed “to assemble a faculty whose interests, knowledge, and experiences transcend their specialized fields of graduate study and who are dedicated to liberal arts education.” 

TO APPLY: Send completed USAO application (available on-line at, letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to:   

Personnel Office
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
1727 W. Alabama
Chickasha, OK 73018-5322

Application review begins immediately and will continue until position is filled.

The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, a member of COPLAC, is Oklahoma's only publicly supported four-year liberal arts college. A function of the institution is to provide an outstanding general education program with strong offerings in the liberal arts and sciences. The program features interdisciplinary team teaching and extends throughout the student's entire undergraduate experience. Operating on a flexible trimester system which permits the opportunity for accelerated studies, USAO offers a limited number of career, professional and specialized degree programs which are especially strengthened when combined with an interdisciplinary, liberal arts foundation. The University is located in central Oklahoma, 35 miles southwest of Oklahoma City, in a community of 16,000.